
Musical show focuses on the world of São Paulo's michês

The theatrical show "Garotos Noturno" premieres in August in São Paulo. It is a dramatic piece but with music inserted, thus creating a kind of alternative musical – in the same vein as the classic "Blue Jeans", made in the early 90s and directed by Wolf Maya.

Another kinship with "Blue Jeans": the theme. In both shows, the focus is on the universe of michês, the so-called "call boys". With text by Gladston Ramos and direction by Sebah Vieira, "Garotos Noturno" seeks to portray this underground world.

To create the montage, the team did extensive research into the lives of michês, seeking to demystify the profession. One of the objectives of the play is to reveal the loneliness and anxieties of these young men, including their drug problems.

In the cast, a team of eight actors – all very attractive, in fact – will play these dramas, and the publicity photos were taken at the classic São Paulo gay sauna Labirinttu's 2, on Rua Frei Caneca.

Gladston Ramos is also the author of the award-winning text "White Roses for Salomé", starring drag performer Salete Campari.

Night Boys
From the 4th of August to the 27th of October
Thursdays – 21pm
Actor's Theater – Pça Roosevelt, 172 – Center – SP
R$ 20

Watch the video of the #EuSouGay project

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