
São Paulo show “Bicha Oca” performs in Salvador

The São Paulo theatrical show "Bicha Oca" is touring throughout Brazil, or more specifically in the state of Bahia. The play will be presented this Wednesday (25th) and Thursday (26th), at the Teatro Popular do Sesi in Salvador.

In the month of September, it passes through the cities of Alagoinhas (on 11/09), Santo Amaro (23/09) and Porto Seguro (28/09), in addition to returning to Salvador on 18/09.

"Bicha Oca" is a project undertaken almost quixotically by actor and director Rodolfo Lima. The play was shown in São Paulo in 2009, before traveling to Bahia. Bringing together texts from five homoerotic short stories by Pernambuco writer Marcelino Freire - "A Volta de Carmen Miranda", "Os Atores", "Meus Amigos Coloridos", "Seu Alceu" and "Coração" -, it puts on stage the character Seu Alceu, played by Rodolfo.

The character exposes his problems in an almost monologue, only broken in the final sequence, with the entry of an actor – completely naked – who represents a kind of projection/memory of an almost ideal love. In the Bahian version of the montage, the character is played by Saulo Moreira.

Rodolfo also signs the production and direction of the editing, as he had done in previous projects: "Réquiem para um Rapaz Triste" and "Todas as Horas do Fim", both based on the universe of the Gaucho writer Caio Fernando Abreu.

Anyone in Salvador these days should check it out.

Hollow Fagot
Sesi Popular Theater – Rua Borges dos Reis, 9 – Rio Vermelho – Salvador / BA
August 25th and 26th – 20pm
$ 10 and $ 20

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