
“This Coke is Fanta”, Coca-Cola creates special can for LGBT Pride day

LGBT Pride Day has been celebrated since June 28, 1969, as it dates back to the Stonewall uprising that took place exactly 48 years ago, in a New York bar, and was therefore the trigger for the rights movement. of the LGBT community. To celebrate, activists for the cause hold traditional LGBT Pride Parades throughout the month and private companies have been joining the cause for some time now. This year, Coca-Cola decided to play with the pun “this Coke is Fanta”, pejoratively attributed to male homosexuals, printing the joke on cans of the liquid that are being sold. The company also brings the message of respect for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals with the phrase “This Coke is respect”.

Elton John had a private employee who did his “chuca”; see photo

Smirnoff launches “Careta pros Caretas” campaign on social media to celebrate LGBT Pride