
Study reveals frequency of sexual relations by age group

Sex is part of life, being one of the most pleasurable practices for men – and here I include women too, of course! Although there is no age limit for having sex, a study carried out by the Kinsey Institute, at Indiana University, in the United States, pointed out something that, in a way, comes as no surprise to anyone: the frequency of sexual intercourse decreases over time, that is, with age. The age group between 18 and 29, as expected, has the highest number of sex: an average of 112 times a year (or two to three times a week). As time passes, the number of sex decreases. From 30 to 39, this number decreases to 86 times (one to two times a week) and, between 40 and 49, it is 69 times (a little more than once a week). In addition to age, other factors also count towards the result, such as lifestyle, health, sexual desire and, of course, marital status. Among married people, 34% have sex between 2 and 3 times a week, 45% only a few times a month and 13% said they only have sex a few times a year. “What we can conclude from these studies is that as we age, our chances of developing chronic health conditions increase. This, in turn, negatively affects the frequency and quality of sexual activity,” explained Justin Lehmiller, one of the study’s authors.

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