
Study reveals that attractive people are more open to having gay sex

According to website information Universa, a study published in the journal “Social Science Quartely” states that more attractive people are more likely to have gay sex than others.

The analysis was led by University of Iowa researcher Robert Urbtsch, who compared a study done in 1972 with one from 2016, and analyzed respondents' opinions on “moral” issues such as abortion, gay sex and marriage equality.

But one detail ended up catching the attention of researchers. People who were considered more “attractive” gave more flexible answers when asked about sex with gay men. This can be explained by the fact that these people do not encounter difficulties when having sex and eliminates the taboo when asked about gay sex.

“The results are based on the hypothesis that the greater the opportunity for sexual activity, assuming that attractive people have sex more, the taboo is less and the subject is discussed and accepted more widely, including gay sex.”

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