
I pay tax!

In this country with so many “Brazils” there is a cultural diversity worthy of its continental proportion. This diversity is very beautiful, it's wonderful, it's different, it's exotic, it's exciting, in short, it's awesome!

Because we speak the same language, but we don't understand the message. And the message is very simple, I pay taxes. I am an ordinary citizen, with irritatingly simple dreams and perspectives, who leads her slightly peaceful life in a big city. And I pay.

In other words, I pay 15% IRPF, 11% INSS, IPVA, IPTU, 18% ICMS, IPI, ISS, PIS, COFINS…. In other words, I pay the same as everyone else. Or rather, I pay like many, but not like everyone, after all, there are always those who don't pay, and they feel very advantageous. Another characteristic of our “Brazil”, with those people who want to take advantage of everything.

What really intrigues me is: I declare income tax separately from my partner and vice versa, she pays separately from me. In other words, the government sucks our teats twice and for that they are very grateful. But when it comes time to return, when the laws being processed in my favor are approved, we are not ordinary citizens. We are the scum, the disrespect, the shame and the thorn in the side of the religious and personal dogmas of our rulers.

So, let me get this straight. As a taxpayer I serve, but as a citizen I don't. As individual tax payers we are worth more than married couples. Which leads me to think that it is much more advantageous for the state if we continue in this way. After all, just because of the “work” that homosexuals give, the fact that they cannot regularize their marriage is already worth the headache. (I love these conspiracy theories).

What I simply don't understand is why there is so much controversy over something so simple. The recognition of a civil union between two people of the same sex who pay their taxes regularly and are together of their own free will.

Can a criminal, a swindler, can a mother who doesn't work and has 10 children receive the Bolsa Família? Isn't this bargaining chip out of balance? I'm not saying that there aren't homosexuals with bad character. I'm saying that laws were made for good. If the individual is evil, it is his problem, so the law contemplates everyone, but ignores me.

But I have hope and I love statistics. I think they are directions to guide us. Numbers that measure shame and hope for a better world. Speaking of which…for those who still think there shouldn't be a Women's Day, here are some statistics about women. And she doesn't have to be a lesbian to be a feminist, she just needs to love herself.

Because I am not a daughter, granddaughter, wife, lesbian, niece, friend, lover. I am SIMPLY a WOMAN!


The latest IBGE survey shows the face of differences by gender.

For every R$100 of a low-income man's salary, a woman will receive R$76. For every R$100 received by a male employee, a woman will receive R$66,10. In this country of immense poverty, a monthly income of R$3.730 for men and R$2.466,50 for women is considered the top of the career ladder.

In the research by level of education, women with up to four years of study receive 80,6% of the salary of men with the same level of education. With 12 years or more of education, women receive only 61,6% of what men do.

Women have studied longer: they study, on average, 8,6 years, when the national average among the employed population is 7,6 years.

The States in the Southern Region are on the list of those with the highest number of women in management positions. This proportion drops alarmingly as you move through the poorest states of the Federation where women earn less compared to men: on average, 59,4% of men's wages.

Data on the occupation of women with higher education
Men with university studies are evenly distributed across sectors of the economy. Women are concentrated in the areas of education, health and social services.

According to IBGE, much of the responsibility for income differences between men and women is reproduced in the labor market where the division of roles still played by women within the family, with the mother responsible for caring for children, the elderly and the sick.

Research reveals that women in the job market dedicate 22,1 hours a week to household chores, while men spend only 9,9 hours on these activities. The double shift is still the reality of Brazilian women, even with improved education and greater insertion in the market.

Data on violence against women:
In Brazilian capitals, 44% of homicides of women are committed with a firearm. Two thirds of cases of violence against women are the perpetrator of their own husband or partner. According to FBI data from 1998, for every time a woman used a weapon in self-defense, that weapon was used against her 101 times.

Brazil releases the world ranking of violence against women. According to research carried out by the International Victimology Society, the number of women in the country who suffer violence reaches 25% and 70% of murdered women were victims of their own husbands.

In Brazil, 50% of the economically active workforce is represented by women. Women occupy less than 10% of existing political positions.
Around the world, for every five days a woman misses work, one is due to violence suffered at home.

Number of Legal Separations and Divorces
The number of legal separations and divorces has been gradually increasing. From 1993 to 2003, the volume of separations rose from 87.885 to 103.529 (17,8%), and divorces from 94 to 896 (138%).

The beautiful Isabella

Lesbian series The L Word will be turned into a film