
USA: Barack Obama responds to letter from girl who is bullied for having gay parents

A letter released this week only demonstrated how much Barack Obama deserved to be re-elected in the United States.

Sophia Bailey Klugh, 10, is the daughter of a gay couple and wrote to the US president reporting the bullying she suffers at school due to her parents' sexual orientation.

“I come to you, because you are my hero. If you were me and you had two parents who loved each other, and boys at school talked bad about you because of that, what would you do?”, asks the girl.

In response, Obama stated that the United States celebrates diversity and that she is a lucky girl to have parents who love her.

“In America, no family is the same. We celebrate this diversity. And we recognize that having two fathers or one mother does not matter, what matters is the love we show for each other”, wrote the president.

Finally, Obama leaves a message that serves as a warning to both those who suffer and those who practice bullying. “A good rule is to treat others the same way we want to be treated. Remind your friends at school of this rule if they say something hurtful to you.”

Check out the full translation of the two letters below.

Letter from Sophia:

“Dear Barack Obama,

This is Sophia Bailey Klugh, your friend who invited you to dinner. If you don't remember, that's okay. I just wanted to tell you that I'm very happy that you agree that two men can love each other, because I have two fathers and they love each other. But at school kids think it's gross and weird, and it really hurts my heart and my feelings. So I come to you, because you are my hero. If you were me and you had two parents who loved each other, and kids at school talked bad about you because of it, what would you do?

Please answer!

I just wanted to say that you really inspire me, and I hope you win and remain president. You would make this world a better place.

Your friend Sophia.

PS: Say hi to your daughters for me!” 

Obama Letter:

“Dear Sophia,

Thank you for writing me such a reflective letter about your family. Reading it made me proud to be her president and even more hopeful about the future of our nation.

In America, no family is the same. We celebrate this diversity. And we recognize that having two parents or a mother doesn't matter, what matters is the love we show for each other. You are so lucky to have two parents who love you so much. They are lucky to have such an amazing daughter like you.

Our differences unite us. You and I are blessed to live in a country where we are born equal, without distinction by our outward appearance, where we grew up, or who our parents are. A good rule of thumb is to treat others the same way you want to be treated. Remind your school friends of this rule if they say something hurtful to you.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to write to me. I am honored to have your support, and inspired by your compassion. Sorry I couldn't make it to dinner with you, but I'll be sure to tell Sasha and Malia that you said hi.

Sincerely, Barack Obama.”

Direct from the Editor: Susana Vieira's boyfriend; Stranded Lady Gaga and Henri Castelli; watch!

Clues on the big screen: Documentary provides an overview of the current gay nightlife in São Paulo; watch trailer