
“Diversity in Culture” event will discuss politics, media and literature from an LGBT perspective

Round tables will take place during São Paulo Pride Parade Week

Taking place on the 23rd, 24th and 25th, at Livraria Cultura do Conjunto Nacional, in São Paulo, the event "Diversity in Culture", organized by Livraria Cultura, Editora Brejeira Malagueta, website and magazine The Cape and Baobá Comunicação.

Four round tables will discuss topics related to the LGBT universe. On the 23rd, Thursday, from 17pm to 19pm, the website and magazine reporter The Cape, Marcelo Hailer, will mediate the "Gay Bloggers" panel, with the participation of Vitor Angelo, owner of the blog Blogay (; Dri Quedas, columnist for the website (; and Thiago Magalhães, author of the blog Instropecthive (

The objective of this panel is to raise questions about the gay blogosphere and discuss how independent news production influences the visibility of gays and lesbians in the country. "The idea is to explore the intricacies of independent news production and how bloggers work together to search for information, investigate it and disseminate it on the internet", explains Marcelo Hailer.

On the second day of the event, Friday (24), from 15pm to 17pm, the agency Baobá Comunicação, Cultura e Conteúdo presents, mediated by cultural producer and journalist Brunno Almeida Maia, the theme "Reality and fiction: the construction of the LGBT character" . With the participation of actress, playwright and theater director Patrícia Aguille, from the show "Sappho de Lesbos" (Espaço dos Satyros II), Gustavo Miranda, journalist and editor-in-chief of the website Bota Dentro (, by the poet Hugo Guimarães, author of the book "Poesia Gay Underground", and by Kizzy Ysatis, author of the award-winning "Clube dos Imortais"; The panel aims to question the discursive constructions surrounding LGBT people, whether in the arts or in journalism.

Assuming that journalism analyzes facts and the arts are symbolic representations of reality, in what moments and in what way are these characters constituted and to what extent does the creative imagination exert influence on the real plane? "The question that arises is how these personas were constructed within literature, theater, cinema, visual arts and journalism. How can we overcome the limits of norms to talk about diversity in culture, without falling into stereotype traps?" , proposes mediator Brunno Almeida Maia.

Also on Friday, from 17pm onwards, the "Great Lesbian Characters" panel will also take place, mediated by editor Laura Bacellar, responsible for Brejeira Malagueta. Lúcia Facco, author of, among many other works, the classic "Heroines come out of the closet", and Andrea Ormond, author of "Long letter to Mila" and blogger about national cinema in "Estranho Encontro", will talk about the strength of lesbian characters, who mark entire generations despite being so rare.

The panel "The representation of LGBT in the media", which takes place on Saturday (25), from 17pm to 19pm, will have the participation of journalists Ciça Vallerio (O Estado de S. Paulo) and Kátia Mello, as well as the portal's blogger R7 Duilio Ferronato. Mediated by the editor-in-chief of the website and magazine The Cape, Paco Llistó, the panel will address how the LGBT community is portrayed by the mainstream press. "Is the gay issue still subject to an embargo in the newsrooms of major media outlets? Are LGBT people still seen by the media as generating big headlines, often sensationalist, or have newspapers, magazines and television itself learned to deal with the issue?" asks Paco Llistó.

Diversity in Culture
June 23rd, 24th and 25th, Corpus Christi holiday, from 17pm to 19pm
Location: Mezzanine Arts store Livraria Cultura Conjunto Nacional – Av. Paulista, 2073 – Phone: (11) 3170-4033.
Free entrance

Thursday 23rd, from 17pm to 19pm
Gays and Lesbians in the Blogosphere
Thiago Magalhães – from the Introspecthive blog
Dri Quedas – from the Dykerama website
Vitor Angelo – from belonging to the Folha de S.Paulo portal

Mediation: Marcelo Hailer, journalist from the website A Capa

Friday the 24th, from 15pm to 17pm
Reality and Fiction: the construction of the LGBT character
Patrícia Aguille (director, playwright and theater actress)
Gustavo Miranda – journalist and editor of the portal
Hugo Guimarães – poet and author of the book Gay underground poetry: history and glory (Annablume)
Kizzy Ysatis – writer and author of Clube dos Imortais (New Century), winner of the Raquel de Queiroz Award from UBE – Brazilian Union of Writers

Mediation: Brunno Almeida Maia – journalist and cultural producer at Baobá Comunicação.

Friday the 24th, from 17pm to 19pm
Great lesbian characters
Lúcia Facco – author of As guardians of magic (Malagueta), As heroines come out of the closet (GLS) and Once upon a different couple (Summus).
Andrea Ormond – author of Longa Carta para Mila (GLS) and the blog about national cinema Estranho Encontro.

Mediation: Laura Bacellar – editor of Brejeira Malagueta

Saturday the 25th, from 17pm to 19pm
The representation of LGBT in the Media
Ciça Vallerio – Journalist for the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo
Kátia Mello – Journalist, former editor and former special reporter for Época magazine and former deputy editor of ISTOÉ magazine
Duilio Ferronato – Blogger on the R7 portal

Mediation: Paco Llistó, journalist for the website and magazine A Capa

Lesbian Walk takes place on the 25th in São Paulo

Give him Rio! Check out an interview with Diego Possadas, candidate for Mister Brasil Diversity