
False romance with Frenchman was the reason for Reynaldo Gianecchini’s “fame as gay”, says book

From his childhood in Birigui, in the interior of São Paulo, to his courageous debut in a 21pm soap opera on TV Globo, as a heartthrob. This was Reynaldo Gianecchini's trajectory until the actor became known to the general public.

Criticism he suffered during his career, gossip about the relationship he had with journalist Marília Gabriela and, finally, his victory over cancer, motivated the actor to start his biography: “Giane – Vida, Arte e Luta”.

The work, written in record time by journalist Guilherme Fiuza, author of the best-seller "Meu Nome Não É Johnny", features an open Gianecchini in its pages. The actor speaks his truth, intimacy and also comments on his sexuality.

According to the book, the rumor that the actor is gay arose for two reasons. The first is about the gossip that he had an affair with Marília Gabriela's youngest.

"One version would go back to Giane's modeling days in Paris, maintaining that, to enter this family triangle, he had abandoned a French lover," wrote Fiuza.

The other reason would be an alleged lover, who was married and, with her husband's suspicions about Gianecchini, the woman would have said that the actor was gay.

"One of the women he was seeing had hidden from him that she was married. The husband had found out, he had become obsessed... But he would never go around his building again with a gun in hand. His wife had calmed him down with a simple explanation: she had told him that Giane was gay ", wrote the author.

"Giane – Vida, Arte e Luta" was released by Editora Primeira Pessoa.
First Person Publisher
R $ 39,90 (304 pages)

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