
I lacked courage…

Yesterday I experienced something that hadn't happened in a while: I flirted on the street. I was in the supermarket when I passed a boy in one of the aisles. It looked interesting, but I didn't pay much attention. I was in a hurry. I paid and left. Coincidentally or not, he was also leaving, but through another door. I believe he was waiting for me. We exchanged glances for a long time as we walked in different directions. We smile. We flirt. But he lacked the courage for something more. My fault or his? I don't know. Maybe both. It's one of those opportunities that you shouldn't think twice about. You have to go and act. Anyway…

After thinking, I remembered that I was better at this. When I was younger and lived in New York, I had great experiences exchanging glances on the street. I'll tell you some the other day. But I remember that I had more courage and less modesty. It could be because of her society, which is more open. Or even youth. When we are older, we think a lot. Maybe too much. We became grim, boring and demanding. We should be free, but we are not.

I swear I regret it. But was. Now, it’s another story to tell the grandchildren!

Elite Squad wins gay satire and even Kassab

Party on Saturday promises to bring together bears in a contest to choose the tastiest