
Film tells the story of England's first openly gay player

Entitled “Forbidden Games”, it was released this week at the Toronto Documentary Festival, a production that tells the story of brothers John and Justin Fashanu, children of Nigerian parents, adopted by an English couple, and who broke taboos in one of the most important football leagues in the world, the Premier League. With a reclusive childhood, because of racism and bullying in schools, the absolute majority were white, they found the light at the end of the tunnel in sport. Always close to each other, the relationship between the two had cracks when Justin decided to publicly admit his homosexuality, in the early 1990s, in an interview with The Sun. The athlete became known for being the first openly gay player in the English Championship. However, prejudice due to his sexual orientation was incessant, victims of homophobia among his own teammates and coach. John, his brother, says that he even offered 100 thousand pounds (400 thousand reais) so that he wouldn't come out of the closet. Justin, however, did not give in to his brother's pressure. “I was afraid people would think I was gay too. John Fashanu, Justin Fashanu, J and J… I was a tough guy, I played on a team of tough guys (Wimbledon), like Vinnie Jones and Dennis Wise. We were a tough team, with that strong macho image, and the people who liked our team loved that. Suddenly my brother does this! At that time, I thought it was absurd,” he said. “Growing up, he was my father and my mother. It was my shining light. My life. He became my arch-nemesis,” John said. Suffocated by prejudice and the lack of support from family and friends, Justin committed suicide on May 3, 1988, at the age of 37. “I have come to the conclusion that I am found guilty. I don’t want to cause any more embarrassment to my friends and family”, wrote the athlete in his suicide letter. “It makes me sad to think that at the time I didn't understand all the challenges Justin was going through. A little more understanding and affection could have changed a lot of things”, admitted John. Source: ESPN

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