
Final of Mister Brasil Diversity is highlighted in “Manhã Maior” on Rede TV!; check article

The final of Mister Brasil Diversidade, which was held last Monday (10) at Teatro Gazeta, in São Paulo, received special coverage on the program “Manhã Maior”, on Rede TV!.

Reporter Lully Fashion went down to Avenida Paulista to take a closer look at the competition between the boys.

The cutie was buzzing with the boys backstage, made Lorena Simpson and Pepê & Neném sing for the cameras and even had fun with the judges. For those of you who can't follow the contest closely, you can get an idea of ​​what happened.

Next Sunday (16), “Pânico na Band” will show its material recorded at the event. The intrepid Amanda alongside the “Beyoncé Sisters” did a lot of work there.

Below, check out the article from “Manhã Maior”.

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