
Fortaleza see you soon!

I had decided to stay in São Paulo this May Day weekend. However, after how hot it was today, I realized that there is no way. It was extremely hot and there was nothing good to do except watch TV.

I woke up and started researching a last minute trip, it's always expensive to travel without planning. But I think this time it will be better. I got a great flight, and despite the hotel being a resort, I bought it on the CVC website on sale. So I'll have a sophisticated trip without excessive costs.

My life plans have always been to move to Rio de Janeiro in my 30s and move to Fortaleza in my 50s. Of course, a plan is always a plan, but if I don't do it then nothing will happen.

Oh, I miss this city! I haven't been there for almost two years. The last time was for a party at the old Ultralounge Fortaleza. After this, was in the city two or three more times, but represented by the smart guy Gustavo (who is now going to Recife).

So now I'm going on vacation to my favorite city! From there I bring news to A Capa and to, you can leave it there.

GLBT Universe

Cultural turn