
Gallery: Cauã Reymond, I miss Halley

Now that "Caminho das Indias", a global soap opera at 20pm (!) has started, spending the night at home watching TV generates a certain nostalgia. After a smash hit like "Beijinho Doce", hearing those mantras, Indian chants... it's definitely not enough. But the worst part is the longing for Halley, played by the beautiful actor Cauã Reymond in the much-missed "A Favorita".

That's why this week's gallery is with this 27-year-old cat, from Rio, and with the sign of Taurus. Cauã appeared on the small screen in 2001, when the teenager "Mau Mau" lived in Malhação. From then on, the actor never stopped. He played the fighter "Thor Sardinha", in 'Da Cor do Pecado', then acted in "Belissima", "Eterna Magia" and, finally, "A Favorita", where he had his first prominent character.

Without further ado, while Cauã is not back in action (ui), check out the images of this talented actor in the album below.

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