
Gallery: Remember the hottest men who passed through A Capa in 2012

Many handsome and hot men passed through the Gallery of The Cape in 2012. The selection was plentiful, for all tastes. London's athletes excelled, as did country native Gusttavo Lima and his six-pack abs achieved throughout the year. Another one that caused a commotion was the best wishes from Jonas Sulzbach, from BBB 12. We still have Benjamin Godfre's cat and the actor Pablo Morais, Globo's bet, seen as the new Cauã Reymond. Below you can see our top Five, with the most visited Galleries of 2012.

1 - The hottest guys from the 2012 Olympics are here!

2 - Jonas Sulzbach, the delight of Big Brother Brasil 12

3 - Gusttavo Lima and his reputation as a catcher!

4 - Benjamin Godfre, the abused cat!

5 - Pablo Morais, the new Cauã Reymond who is Globo’s bet

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Actor from the “Twilight” saga gets drunk and pees in the middle of the airport lounge; watch