
'Gay-friendly', Preta Gil charges R$50 to be crowned queen of Rio's LGBT Parade

Invited by the organizers of the LGBT Pride Parade, or Diversity Parade, in Vila da Penha, North Zone of Rio de Janeiro, which will take place on September 10th, singer Preta Gil charged R$ 50 thousand reais, according to information from the Extra newspaper. To the publication, the organizers said that the artist “only needed to come, stay for a short time, say a few words” and, finally, be crowned. “It wouldn’t be a show. Those who participate in the parade receive nothing. Come for the cause that is being defended”, she added. Those responsible for Preta Gil's image told the newspaper that the amount charged is the same as the singer would earn for a performance and that a show in another location would already be booked for the same day and time. The note goes on to state that “it is not possible to dismiss one fee for another without receiving anything”. Parada claims that it has been in contact with the singer since last year and that other dates were offered, but were unsuccessful.

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