
Hottie: Rodrigo Santoro displays a more muscular body in Rio; come and see!

Actor Rodrigo Santoro was spotted in Rio de Janeiro. The international cat went surfing at Grumari beach. With and without the surfer suit, you could see that Santoro was once again working out hard.

The actor had lost weight to play the player "Heleno", in the film of the same name. Now, he is tipped to play the villain Xerxes again, in the sequel to the Hollywood film "300".

It's worth remembering that many people didn't like the actor's "put together" look in the film. The sequence would have Xerxes as the protagonist and would show the villain's origins until his transformation into the powerful and handsome god.

The producers are already keeping an eye on the cast.  

Is the body suitable for the role?

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