
Dilma government practices state homophobia

Finally the answer came: the veto on the gay video for the 2012 carnival prevention campaign came from President Dilma Rousseff, who was irritated by the "irreverence" of the videos. What irreverence, pale face? The censored video didn't feature anything much, other than two young people talking and hugging each other at the counter of a nightclub. Well, for those who were irritated by the video "Probabilidade" from the pedagogical project Escola Sem Homofobia, which was made in animation, it is obvious that they would be irritated by this one...

With this it is clear that the president must be irritated when she sees two men exchanging caresses, in other words, homophobia, and as we are talking about the president of the country, we experience the highest degree of state homophobia, never before seen in this country.

The federal governments of Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PSDB) and Lula (PT) meant progress with regard to the prevention campaign during Carnival, as they carried out campaigns outside the closet. At this moment, due to inefficiency when it comes to mediating the National Congress, Dilma Rousseff preferred to adhere to the more conservative agenda of Congress so as not to lose her votes, thus burying the advances achieved in the last two federal governments.

NGOs have already warned that they will report the federal government to the UN and other bodies for institutional/state homophobia.

I already argued about this in the previous post. Next, check out the censored video, the new one and the videos broadcast during the FHC and Lula governments and draw your conclusions.

The censored video:

The new video:

Campaign run during the Lula government:

Campaign run during the FHC government:

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