
Spanish group launches “no penny for those who discriminate against you” campaign

With the aim of raising awareness among Spaniards not to allocate money to Catholic Church funds, the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals (FELGTB-ES) started the annual campaign (in existence since 1999) "No penny for those who discriminate against you ". The idea is to ensure that fewer and fewer people allocate part of their income tax to the church.

This protest is carried out with the aim of providing a civic response to the church's stance on certain issues. For example, equality for GLBT people, equality for women, gender-based violence, stem cells, the right to euthanasia and the most controversial of all, the use of condoms to prevent the spread of HIV and unwanted pregnancies.

In the newsletter they draw attention to the citizens of Spain so that, instead of allocating part of the tax to church expenses, the alternative "for other social purposes" is highlighted. The president of FELGTB says that "with this campaign we want to review the hierarchy of the Catholic church and point out its regressive, sexist and homophobic attitude and that it must change, and if they continue like this, they will increasingly find fewer accomplices for all the suffering and discrimination that provokes."     

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Every kiss is joyful. Every kiss is gay!