
Grupo Estruturação campaigns against “Good night, Cinderella”

This weekend, Estruturação (Brasília LGBT Group) launches warning material aimed at gays and bisexual men about the “Good night, Cinderella” scam. The campaign has the support of deputy Erika Kokay (PT-DF). The scam is characterized by the victim's seduction by a man in bars, nightclubs and even on the internet and by placing a strong sleeping pill in his drink or even in a simple piece of gum. After the victim is drugged, the scammer steals belongings and money. Sometimes even murders occur in crimes like this. Tips given in the material include not accepting drinks that you have not seen being opened as a way of preventing the sleeping pill from being used, and not taking strangers home. According to Welton, “it is not possible to talk about statistics about this type of crime because, for reasons such as shame in reporting or fear of exposing their sexual orientation, some victims end up not pressing charges.” As a way to better understand the scenario of this crime in the Federal Capital, Estruturação encourages gays and bisexual men to report the scam so that the criminals are caught. “Our silence is synonymous with impunity and allowing more people to fall victim to 'Good Night, Cinderella'”, explains Trindade. The entity offers legal support to anyone wishing to make a complaint through the LGBT Human Rights Reference Center on 61 3202-5428.

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Check out the party options for the weekend in SP, MG, DF and Rio