
Campinas GLBT group repudiates former mayor's statement in note

The Campinas GLBT Group repudiated today in a statement the statement by former mayor and current federal deputy Guilherme Campos Júnior, in which he stated that the exhibition “Campinas, transvestites tell their story” only serves to increase Campinas' reputation as a gay city. “In a country that is seeking, little by little, to equate the rights of its GLBTT citizens with the rest of society (…) this type of behavior from a public figure is unacceptable”, declares Deco Ribeiro, president of Grupo E-jovem . The document also asks the deputy to publicly recant. Read the full document: “The E-JOVEM Group of Gay, Lesbian and Allied Adolescents publicly repudiates the homophobic and transphobic statements issued by the former vice-mayor of Campinas and federal deputy Guilherme Campos Júnior (PFL) on Trans Visibility Day (29/01) . In a country that is seeking, little by little, to equate the rights of its GLTTB citizens with the rest of society - having even approved a law that criminalizes homophobia in the same Chamber of Deputies that Mr. Guilherme Campos Júnior will soon swear to honor – and where, every year, more than a thousand teenagers and young people commit suicide because they are gay and suffer violence because of it, this type of behavior coming from a public man, in a public space, on a special day for the community is unacceptable GLTTB. We demand that Mr. Campos Júnior recant and seek, in the Chamber, to act with more attention to the gays, lesbians, transvestites, transsexuals and bisexuals who pay his salary.” Sincerely, Deco Ribeiro president E-jovem Group of Gay, Lesbian and Allied Teenagers

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