
Heteronormativeness, homosexuality and other things

I was full of ideas to update the blog with new posts, but discouragement set in from one moment to the next and so as not to end up with something too boring and serious, I decided to condense some of the issues that have been tormenting me lately.

Some time ago, Marcelo did an article talking about Folha's new stance in using "homosexualism" instead of homosexuality. Okay, let's go. Homosexuality leads to illness and everything else. It's okay to argue that the use of the word is justified when we talk about homosexuality in practice. But it seems lazy, even tantrum-like, to use that term. Especially if there is another correct and more appropriate one. Ball out.

Some readers said that we have to worry about other things instead of this "ism" vs. "age" nonsense. Well. If we fight for equality and respect, I don't think that fighting for it, or discussing the topic, is an issue that deserves less concern. I've never seen anyone talking about someone's "heterosexuality". Therefore, if they use heterosexuality, they may well use homosexuality. It's prettier, more polite and shows information. It seems that homosexuality and sexual orientation are something for lazy people, who have stopped in time, don't read, don't study...

Then there is also heteronormativity, which occurs in such a disguised way that sometimes we don't even notice it. An example: a biscuit commercial recently launched its cheese-flavored version. The cookie is represented by a beautiful boy. Cheese too. Until then, the union of the two could have a somewhat homoerotic bias. But the connection between the two elements takes place through a girl who appears almost at the end of the commercial, inside a car. Each of the boys on one side of the girl. And then both the biscuit and the cheese appear at a party surrounded by girls who rub themselves against them. It's okay.

Another example of heteronormativity is the new commercial for a candy. The boy divides himself into several groups to "take advantage of all the opportunities" that life offers. Suddenly, two girls appear together. The boy gets in between the two and puts the bullet in their mouth. If the scene were with three men, the gays would immediately be labeled promiscuous. As he is a white, heterosexual man with two equally white and apparently heterosexual girls, it is "normal". Someone might say that I'm seeing things through, but that would only prove how heteronormatizing our society is, which makes us swallow these examples of machismo and accept it in stride.

And that's it.

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