
History: For the first time, Dove makes a commercial with a trans lesbian mother; watch

Dove innovated and, for the first time, included a lesbian transsexual woman and mother in its commercials. The #RealMoms campaign is touching people in the countries where it has already been broadcast and brings real stories from women who are mothers. One of them is Shea, who was born male, but her gender identity is female. Still, she is a lesbian. In the video, several women appear with their children, in different forms: from traditional to modern families, like Shea and her partner. “We are both biological mothers”, she says in the BabyDove line campaign. Another encourages respect for diversity and, opposing prejudice, says: “do it the way that suits your family and trust yourself”. HISTORY For Dana Rudolve, LGBT activist and editor of Mombian, the Dove campaign is history and is probably the “first time that a trans person appears in this way, after a transition and even after having a child in a commercial”. She continues: “The campaign goes beyond showing the most common solution to representing diversity today, which is typically placing a cisgender couple with two mothers or two fathers. Although, of course, it is important and I love watching any campaign with LGBT couples of all types.” Watch the commercial below:

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