
IBGE intends to carry out the 1st national survey on the LGBT population

The president of IBGE, Paulo Rabello de Castro, intends to do the first national survey on the LGBT population the country.

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The issue is not included in the Pnad (National Household Sampling Survey) surveys, the largest carried out by the institute after the census.

O IBGE only identifies same-sex couples: when the person responds that they live with someone, the interviewer asks if it is with someone of the same sex.

Rabello says he intends to talk to the IBGE technical area to find out what the feasibility of carrying out the survey is, and how the questions should be prepared to reach a result close to reality.

The demographics of sexual orientations face obstacles such as the fact that portions of populations are still reluctant to reveal this type of information.

Source: Mônica Bergamo column from Folha de SP.

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