
Catholic Church in England threatens government with boycott

The Reverend Vincent Nichols, Catholic Archbishop of Birmingham, has threatened the British government with a boycott by the Christian community if equal rights laws continue to be passed. The British parliament is expected to approve new legislation in April (Sexual Orientation Regulations), which should guarantee homosexuals the same rights that heterosexuals have. Reverend Nichols told a seminar that the approval of such a code would mean the end of the Church's collaboration with the government. “We need a response to match or these regulations will be approved. We need everyone to say this is wrong,” barked Conservative minister Ann Widdecombe. “The government must realize that it is not possible to seek cooperation with us while trying to impose conditions on us that contradict our moral values,” added the reverend.

Next BITCH takes place on the 09th at Leopoldina Station

Ten thousand tourists injected R$4 million into Juiz de Fora at Rainbow Fest; research also reveals the tourist profile