
Interesting! See how a tattoo is done in the male intimate region

Personally, I find tattoos to be a very exciting thing, however, I don't have the courage to do them for the simple fact that I'm terrified of needles – it's that saying that says: "What are we going to do?!".

In any case, I've always been curious to know how tattoo artists make engravings on intimate areas because, I assume, it must be super sensitive, not to mention that maybe – yes, there is that possibility – of the person being aroused – despite the pain – and the embarrassment is real.

I was "flipping" through social media pages and found a link to Banana Business with some illustrative photos that show the engraving process in the male intimate region, more specifically on the front. I found it interesting and decided to share it with you.





Click here if you cannot see the images.



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