
Journalists from Globo and SBT admit gay marriage and talk about competition

Even with SBT and Globo being major competitors, Leandro Oliveira (SBT Journalist) and Bruno Gruberrt (Globo Journalist) have a beautiful romance that has lasted 4 years.

The two declared that even with the great competition between broadcasters and especially between the newspapers that they both present, this does not come within their reach.

“We can separate well: our life at home and our life at work. Of course we talked about work, after all we are two journalists, but the dispute on TV never became a source of contention”, said Leandro to the website UOL.



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Your smile is light, fuel for happiness. The wish is to always see him on your face (and hug you every day!) Happy birthday! I love you! ❤️

A publication shared by Leandro Oliveira (@leandrosioli) on

The two met in 2014 on TV Morena, which is a Globo affiliate in Mato Grosso do Sul. And even after leaving and joining competing stations, the love continued.

“Then, we transformed our friendship into this relationship. The goal is to continue together forever”, says Leandro Oliveira.

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