
Young man is sentenced for taking a photo next to a military police officer wearing a “he’s gay” t-shirt

As if being called gay was an insult, the court ordered a young man to pay compensation of R$800 for wearing a t-shirt with the phrase "he is gay", followed by an arrow, and taking a photo next to a military police officer.

The case happened to Samuel Abreu, 20 years old, who lives in Acre. After posting the photo with the t-shirt next to the police officer on Facebook, a complaint was made to the 1st Special Civil Court. Chief judge Lílian Deise accepted the police officer's complaint, who said he was offended by his exposure on the social network.

"I considered it a kind of homophobia, because a gay person is a person like any other. I didn't think it was fair to have been prosecuted for that. In my opinion, it's a lack of respect for gays themselves. And many gay friends of mine think the same way", declared the young person to Rede Amazônica.

In defense of the police officer, lawyer Roberto Duarte Júnior stated that the published photo violates the PM's privacy and professional concept. The court had the same understanding and stated that Samuel's attitude "transcends any joking argument".

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