
Justin Bieber is caught in a “romance mood” with another man; see photos

Justin Bieber's sexual orientation remains an "unknown" and a reason for constant debate among internet users on social media. As much as the pop music star has claimed to be heterosexual, speculation over and over again about his alleged "homosexuality".

Since last Monday, the 30th, North American tabloids claim to have caught the Canadian in a "gay romantic mood" with the pastor of the church Bieber attends. The images, which are considered "intimate" show Justin and the pastor sitting/lying in a green area.

In a certain photo, it is possible to see Bieber giving the man a "massage" on his back. In another, the man, who is supposed to be the pastor, appears showing his belly. While in a third photo, Justin appears "embraced" (as if he was being "protected") by the second man.

Although, obviously, cheap sensationalism is being made about these photos, it seems that this is a personal person who was helping the singer to exercise. And you, what do you think?

Check out the photos:


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