
Klebber Toledo responds about censorship in soap operas and whether she is curious about being with a man

Bringing to life the second gay character on television, Klebber Toledo was interviewed by "Canal Extra" and answered whether, like his characters, he feels like or has ever considered having a romance with a man

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According to the actor, who has just ended his relationship with Marina Ruy Barbosa, he never thought about it.

"I never imagined myself in that situation (of falling in love with a man). I think that for it to happen you have to be at least curious. And I don't have it," said the heartthrob who plays Leonardo in the soap opera Império.

Regarding the plot, Klebber believes that the fact that Leonardo leaves Claudio (Jose Mayer) to start having relationships with women is not due to rejection by the public. In fact, the actor even approves of the recorded scenes that were cut between the gay couple – including the kiss.

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"You can't forget the rating of the soap opera, that there are children watching it, the grandma. If something isn't being aired, it's because it isn't necessary," he stated.

According to the actor, he receives praise from men and women, but no one has tried any more abusive lines. "I hear something like: 'Wow, he's wonderful. It's normal, I hear it from men and women. Singing is something aggressive. It's already an arrival, and that hasn't happened until now."

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