
LGBTs reveal in ECA photo essay prejudice phrases they have heard

"Nothing against gays, but…", "You don't even look gay", "I didn't have a son to be a faggot". These are some of the phrases that many LGBT people have heard throughout their lives.

+ Drag queen gets into burning car and saves man

And it was through them that students from ECA (School of Communication and Art) at USP (University of São Paulo), who are part of Junior Journalism, decided to promote a photographic exhibition against prejudice.

In the work, members of the LGBT community hold a poster and report through phrases the sexist and LGBTphobic content they have heard. 

+ Photographer Ewan Phelan captures the intimacy of LGBT couples in their bedrooms

According to the text by Carolina Tiemi and Natalie Majolo, "homophobia does not only appear in physical attacks, but also in everyday speeches: "gay cure", "faggot thing", "dyke hair". As brutal as direct attacks , these expressions reveal the violence of a prejudiced discourse, which this gallery intends to denounce. May love be free and colorful for whoever wants to love."

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