
Children’s book “A Vila das Cores” brings LGBT themes and the importance of diversity

The Portuguese writer Bruno Magina launched the children's book "A Vila das Cores", by the publisher Escritorio, and addresses LGBT themes and the importance of living in a plural, diverse, colorful society.

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The work – written in Portuguese and with charming illustrations by Carolina Figueira – can be purchased in Brazil only via the internet. And it is a good option for those who want to approach the topic with specific language for children and combat prejudice from an early age.

"The Violeta family came to remind the village's inhabitants that, with so many colors in the world, there is no reason for indifference or prejudice. We are all different and we must be free to live as we like. And it is from all this diversity that wealth comes" , says an excerpt.

In an exclusive interview to THE CAPE, Bruno states that the idea of ​​writing the book came in 2013, when the ILGA Portugal Association launched a challenge called "Um Conto Arco-Íris". "I participated with two short stories and both had good returns. Then, I started writing more and looking for a publisher."

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The writer states that he counted on ILGA, Rede Ex Aequo and AMPLOS to adapt the language to children and emphasizes that it is important to combat prejudice from an early age. "It is important to give visibility to diversity from a young age, demystifying prejudices and leaving messages of tolerance and respect."

The book's preface is by Paulo Côrte-Real, vice president of the board of ILGA Portugal, who says: "It's a children's book for all families – and a true rainbow tale."


Interested parties should send an email to contacto@atelier


Bruno Magina was born in Lisbon, in 1984. In 2009, three years after completing his degree in Basic Education and having already published several articles, he began his journey in Adult Education and Training, which culminated in the "Social Recognition" Award the education".

From 2012 onwards, he embarked on the arts (music, theater and photography), openly and definitively, with a view to combating discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Always fascinated by the world of children's literature, "A Vila das Cores" is his first published book.

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