
Lorena Simpson rocks in performance at The Club at São Vicente Carnival

Outside the Brazilian gay tourism route, The Club Litoral, in São Vicente, guaranteed fun for those who chose São Paulo's beaches as their destination this Carnival. His party yesterday lasted more than sixteen hours and had Rio singer Lorena Simpson as its main attraction.

Around 22pm the singer entered the scene to the delight of part of the public. Some complained that the pause in the DJ's set cut off the energy of the party, but other people screamed wildly at the entrance of the singer of the hit "I Can't Stop Loving You", which plays in almost every gay club in the country.

The singer pleased even those who initially complained, most people sang along with her main song, which talks about true love. She sang under the sound command of her producer Felipe Guerra, who continued with the sound for some time. The entertainment was led by the club's residents, Will Beats and Fabio Novelleto, as well as the night's guest, DJ Morais, resident of the club The Week, in São Paulo.

The track set up outside the club became impassable around midnight, the time of the party's biggest crowd and almost unbearable heat. On the inside dance floor the concentration was also great, but it was possible to dance without bumping into anyone, but the lighting in the outside area was so cool that it wasn't worth staying inside the club, even with the air conditioning working well on the floor.

The only drama at the party were the bars that stopped accepting card payments at around 21pm, due to a communication failure with operators. This made consumption impossible for many people, who had plastic as their only form of payment. Bar employees informed customers that the system would probably not work again that night.

Even with the card drama, the balance of the party is super positive. The DJs got it right, Lorena was incredible and the audience was super excited, in a celebratory mood, everyone was very happy. The party, which started at three in the afternoon, went on until seven in the morning this Monday.

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