
#LOVENORONHA reaches its third edition; know more

Those who don't know Fernando de Noronha will have a good chance of meeting him in August. The paradisiacal island will receive many tourists from Brazil and abroad during the third edition of the #LoveNoronha project. 
The event, organized since 2012 by businesspeople Maria do Céu and Tuca Sultanum, with support from Empetur-Empresa Pernambucana de Turismo, attracted a total of 500 tourists in its two previous editions. This year they are waiting for more people from August 07th to 10th. 
"Businesspeople and islanders collaborate by welcoming visitors who return every year to participate in the event that takes place in August on purpose because of the holiday period in the United States and Europe", says Maria do Céu. 
#LoveNoronha is a mix of ecology, beach sports, tourism and parties. The itinerary is specially designed to make the most of your time. For information about prices and where the project will take place, call (81) 3241.5637. 

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