
Luis Lobianco is a victim of homophobia in a photo with his husband

Actor Luis Lobianco, currently on air in “Segundo Sol”, was a victim of homophobia on social media, when he posted a photo of himself alongside his husband, Lúcio Zandonadi and his niece. On his Instagram account, Lobianco appears happy alongside his partner and child, but ended up being attacked with prejudiced and offensive comments. “There are no decent arguments to defend these selfish practices of subjecting children to these environments”, said an internet user in a pejorative way, making reference to the fact that they are a gay couple and the child is between the two. Disgusted by the woman's attitude, the actor countered the gratuitous homophobia with the following statement: “Poor child you were, right? I imagine what kind of environment was submitted to speak virtual slurry and sign it as fake”, said the famous person.

Birthday in the family! Maitê and Wallace ♍️

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Trans man shares 'before and after' with family on the beach and surprises

2nd LGBT Parade in Cidade Tiradentes, in SP, takes place this Sunday