
Gay March brings together 200 young people in Mexico

A march bringing together around 200 young gays took over the main streets of Mexico City. In order to raise awareness about the importance of safe sex, the 5th Gay March, held by CAIPAJ – Centro de Atención Integral para teenagers y Jóvenes Gays – took to the streets with banners and flags demanding equal rights and the end of homophobia.

Posters erected by families of the young people displayed phrases such as "We are proud of our children" and "Our children brought our families together".

The march to combat AIDS was attended by the president of the Center for Young and Gay Adolescents of Mexico, Josue Quino, who warned about the importance of using condoms.

"A single unprotected sexual contact is enough to contract the HIV virus," says Quino.

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A box or a pot to call my own?