
Marco Feliciano fights for trans gender identity to be disrespected at school

the deputy Pastor Marco Feliciano (PSC-SP) once again demonstrated that it is an organizer against LGBT rights. This time, he wants to suspend the new right of transvestites, transsexual women, trans men and other transgender people to have their gender identity respected at school.

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Feliciano presented on Tuesday (17) two legislative decree projects, requesting the suspension of Resolutions 11 and 12 of the Human Rights Secretariat, published last week.

The resolutions call for respect for the social name within the classroom, as well as the use of bathrooms according to gender identity. It aims to provide a comfortable experience for trans people and maintain the group at school.

 According to the deputy, who has already supported projects such as the "gay cure", "the government edited the text without the approval of the National Congress and it is disrespectful to Brazilian families".

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"Imagine what it's like for a father who has a daughter knowing that she is at school and anyone who has the same gender as her will be able to go to the same bathroom as her daughter," said the deputy, ironically answering his own question. Yes, the gender is the same…

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