
Mauricio de Sousa posts a photo with his son and son-in-law, and followers praise him

Mauricio de Sousa and gay son

The creator of Turma da Mônica, Mauricio de Sousa, posted a very beautiful photo with his son Mauro Sousa and his boyfriend, Rafael Piccin.

“At home, with his son Mauro @maurosousa, who inspired the character Nimbus, and his partner, my son-in-law, Rafael @rafaelpiccin”, wrote Mauricio on his Instagram.


Visualizar esta foto no Instagram.


At home, with his son Mauro @maurosousa, who inspired the character Nimbus, and his partner, my son-in-law, Rafael @rafaelpiccin

A publication shared by Mauricio de Sousa (@mauricioaraujosousa) on

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