
Doctor “prescribes” black intellectuals for young gay man who attempted suicide

Doctor Júlia Rocha, who treats public patients, received a young black, gay man from the suburbs, who carried with him a feeling of guilt for not being able to be straight.

The patient is 22 years old, depressed and tried to kill himself once, using his father's medication. He was hospitalized in a serious condition and now, with the support of his family, he is undergoing psychological and psychiatric treatment in the public network.

Júlia, who always prescribes medication every 15 days, decided to change the way she treats the boy a little. And she asked him to look for texts and videos by black intellectuals. Additionally, she also prescribed a book on structural racism. “He needed to understand his social place as a gay, black, peripheral man. There are times when we just need to see and understand the structures that oppress us to be able to take the next step,” she wrote on her Instagram.

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ILLUMINATED About 15 days ago I made this prescription for a very dear patient. A 22-year-old black young man, evangelical, gay, hard-working. Severely depressed, about 2 months ago he tried to kill himself using his father's medication. He was hospitalized in serious condition! He carried with him enormous guilt for, according to him, not being able to “correct his sexuality” and his affection. He was already undergoing psychological and psychiatric care. He was already using medications. The family was already mobilized to support him, but for me he needed to deepen his understanding of his social place as a gay, black and peripheral man. There are times when we just need to see and understand the structures that oppress us to be able to take the next step. I asked him to look for Spartakus Santiago, AD Júnior, two young black and gay men who share their experiences and learnings on social media. I recommended following black intellectuals: Conceição Evaristo, Djamila Ribeiro and Juliana Borges. I prescribed reading the book 'What is structural racism' by Silvio Almeida. We talk about intolerance, spirituality, affection… I delivered this recipe imbued with an immense desire to see you better. Today I met him in the hallway. He smiled and gave me a long hug. That moment lasted a few years. "All good?" "I am better. Much better…. I read the book…. I passed the recipe on to other friends….” "Great!" “I want to schedule my return with you.” "Any news?" And he approached to tell the secret: “I’m dating.”

A publication shared by J Ú LIAROCHA (@cantorajuliarocha) on

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