
Mister Brasil Diversidade visits gays and transvestites at the Campo Grande Penal Institute

Last Friday (20), Mister Brasil Diversidade 2013, Carlos Gabriel, visited the Campo Grande Penal Institute. In celebration of Christmas, Mister presented gays, transvestites and transsexuals, who were serving their sentences, with gifts and gifts.
The initiative arose from the Coordination of the Reference Center for Human Rights to Prevent and Combat Homophobia (CENTRHO) and the State Department of Labor and Social Assistance of Mato Grosso do Sul.
Upon being invited, the Mister immediately embraced this action, which promotes welcome and attention to members of the LGBT community who are, for the most part, forgotten by their own family members, precisely at this time of year when everyone is called to reflect on fraternity and solidarity, feelings related to the Christmas party.
"I was very moved by the receptivity of the inmates and their words of gratitude for the fact that they felt completely forgotten by society and their families. It was a very rewarding experience."
In addition to Carlos Gabriel, the coordinator of CENTRHO, Leonardo Bastos, and the president of the OAB/MS Sexual Diversity Commission, Júlio Valcanaia, participated in the visit.

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