
Thina Rodrigues, president of the Ceará Transvestite Association, dies

Photo: reproduction/Fabiane de Paula

The pioneer activist for the rights of transgender people died in Fortaleza, on the morning of last Monday (29). Thina Rodrigues, president of Atrac (Association of Transvestites of Ceará), from covid-19.

She had a worsening of the infection and could not resist the worsening of the infection. The death was announced by the Special Coordination for Sexual Diversity, where Rodrigues worked.

Born in Brejo Santo, in the interior of Ceará, Rodrigues was expelled from home at the age of 17 and at 20, she was arrested “just for being who she is”, as she reported in an interview with Journal of Northeast. She founded Atrac with Janaína Dutra, becoming a reference for LGBT activism in Ceará.

“Woman, transvestite, black, warrior, leaves us with immense longing and countless memories in the trenches of this war that involves fighting for life every day”, said the Coordination in a statement.

The information is Journal of Northeast and Metropolis.


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