
Belém Homosexual Movement requests to join the State Security Council

The Belém Homosexual Movement filed a formal request to participate in the State Public Security Council (Consep), an entity of the Pará government that brings together representatives from various governmental and non-governmental sectors that work in the area of ​​public security in the State. The request was delivered at the beginning of August by the president of the NGO, Paula Duarte, at the last meeting of the entities that make up the council and requested the opening of two vacancies: one for male homosexuals and the other for transvestites. According to the president of the NGO, the Pará gay movement took the opportunity to request that a new item be added to police reports made at police stations throughout the state, in which the victim will inform their orientation. sexual and the crime suffered is considered homophobic. “The intention is for the State to have an official statistical framework on violence against people who admit their homosexual orientation. Today, we do not have statistics on crimes committed against homosexuals in Pará and so it is difficult to combat them”, commented Paula.

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