
MTV will show the first gay kiss in prime time; 1.500 boys signed up to participate in the program

Cicarelli recorded, last Saturday, Beija Sapo Gay 2006, which will air on the 15th. There will be 7 kisses in total, including the lesbian episode of the show. MTV received around 1.500 applications from kids interested in participating in the program. In the program presented by Ronaldo's ex, a prince kisses three frogs (boys who were interested in him) and chooses one of them to stay, with whom he gives a longer kiss. The biggest news is the time the attraction will be shown: at 19pm. In prime time! A month ago, the Ministry of Justice classified gay kisses as suitable for any time on open TV, the same as straight kisses. Beija Sapo Lésbico will air on October 27th.

Dating site presents the DJ at its parties as being international, but Ranny is very Brazilian

Party that gains more and more fans takes place this Sunday