
Nego do Borel opens up about the controversy with Luisa Marilac: “the LGBT people suffer a lot”

Singer Nego do Borel opened up to columnist Léo Dias, and told how they have been following the controversy with Youtuber Luisa Marilac.

“It was a learning moment. I made mistakes and learned a lot. Have you ever seen someone mature from one month to the next? It happened to me. It was good for me to know the size I am, the responsibility and understand the LGBT community. I always respected him a lot and today I respect him even more. I played a joke and learned more from what happened. It was a boring moment, but it was good because a lot of people learned from what happened to me, because LGBT people suffer a lot.”

“I have always been very respectful and today I respect [LGBT people] even more. I played a joke and learned more from what happened. It was a boring moment, but it was good because a lot of people learned from what happened to me, because LGBT people suffer a lot”, he further revealed.


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