
In Rio, lesbians “seal” at an open-air party and show that the night is not just for gays

A ticket-free party, with a wireless speaker, drinks brought from home and circulated through various open-air regions of Rio de Janeiro. This is how lesbian and bisexual women from the "wonderful city" are organizing themselves every month at the "Isoporzinho das Sapatão" event.

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The idea came about after a post on Facebook by the film producer Erica Studart, 25 years old, who went to visit Rio de Janeiro and asked for tips on bars and clubs for girls. From the survey, which went viral, it was noted that after the closure of the Casa da Lua bar, in Ipanema, there were no longer any spaces focused on women who like women. 

The debut took place at Praça São Salvador, but Isoporzinho has already visited Niterói, Méier and Praça Tiradentes. All meetings are held and publicized on the Facebook page and participation is growing – it is important to say that the public is made up of different profiles (be it beauty, social class…). To "wear the shirt", the group also sells a plastic mug with a game in which a leather boot is used as a beer cooler, as well as sandwiches called lesburguers.

"The most important thing is to be in the public space, giving visibility to lesbians, drinking beer with friends and saving money, because Rio is very expensive, which makes the event even more democratic. We see the political power of the party and the meeting, and not only in the fight, in militancy. Being able to see and recognize ourselves has an effect on women, whether they are lesbian, bi or trans", said one of the organizers Susana Amaral to the newspaper O Globo.

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When talking about the name "dyke", Lia Ribeiro says that it is the resignification of a pejorative term. "The era of discreet party names is over. We really use dykes, we make jokes about trucks, thermal fanny packs, the idea is to reappropriate these prejudiced expressions and not be ashamed of these words. We really are dykes."

In other words, in addition to the fun, it is a way for them to also say that the LGBT night is not just for gay men. But of course gays and everyone else are also welcome. Find out the next dates by clicking here

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