
New HBO documentary shows persecution and concentration camps for LGBTs in Chechnya; see trailer

Welcome to Chechnya
Photo: Disclosure

Chechnya, a republic of the Russian Federation, is a country where LGBT people not only risk their lives every day because of who they are, but persecution and violence are perpetrated against them at the behest of the State.

The HBO documentary Welcome to Chechnya, scheduled for release on June 30, exposes the persecution suffered by LGBT people in Chechnya – which since 2017, following scoops, has generated concern on a global scale, with survivors reporting having even passed through concentration camps where gays are imprisoned, tortured and sometimes murdered. To date, more than a hundred people have reported being harassed and raped by the Czech state.

HBO has not announced the film's screening date in Brazil or the title it will receive here.

See the trailer below.

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