
Actor Marcello Melo Jr posted a photo almost kissing another actor and asked for “Love and Freedom”

Marcello Melo Jr kissing friend

Last Saturday (26), actor Marcello Melo Jr decided to shake up his social media and at the same time protest in favor of the LGBT community. He posted a photo in which he appears almost kissing his friend and fellow actor Felipe Roque.

After the posts, many followers began to comment and some even got confused and didn't understand the joke. “You guys are the best…. Big hug marcelinhooooo", "Make one like this too, but you can pull it over without any problems ", "People, I'm the only one who's lost, I didn't know".



Visualizar esta foto no Instagram.


Love & Freedom!!! ❤️ #AmoTeAmo @feliperoque #MaisAmorPorFavor #SóCoisasBoas

A publication shared by Marcello Melo Jr (@marcellomelojr) on

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