
The bears' speech

In “The discourse of bears: other ways of being of homoaffection”, JJ Domingos historicizes the homoaffective subject bear as a representation of the different ways of life within the universe of homosexual relationships. For the author, when analyzing the issue of homosexuality, Foucault is concerned about the need that gays have to organize themselves based on a catalog identity. There is also the “danger” of the effects of power that the formation of these groups secrete, towards which it is always necessary to express “distrust”. The bear community would therefore not be exempt from this “danger” inherent to any “community”.

However, the constitution of such communities remains for him a fundamental gesture in the struggle to invent new forms of existence and shape new “styles of life”, in order to escape the much more threatening danger that weighs down the rigor of the norm and society. “disciplinary” as a whole. Thus, it is more productive to think of the “creation of ways of life” as a concrete exercise of this freedom that allows individuals and groups to move from subjection to subjectivation and to shape their specific existences by cultivating their differences.

With this work, Domingos makes public the analysis of his research carried out for the Master's degree in Linguistics at UFPB, defended in December 2009. The theoretical foundation of the same work, with the title “Discourse, power and subjectivation: a Foucauldian discussion”, also was published in Série Veredas, by Marca de Fantasia. The author, graduated in Literature from the State University of Ceará, is currently pursuing a PhD in Linguistics at UFPB.

The bears' speech: other ways of being of homoaffectivity
JJ Domingos
Veredas Series nº 13
João Pessoa: Marca de Fantasia, 2010. 100 pages.
£ 14,00.

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