
The secret of life

Just as bossa nova preaches, living the simplicity of life can be the secret to happiness. I mean, instead of always running around in search of happiness, the most practical thing is to try to make your everyday life happy, doing things you like, spending time with people you admire, and pursuing your goals.

I've been talking to Siri, the new iPhone's assistant, and I loved her answer about what the secret to life is. First she replied that the secret is Chocolate, yes she is ironic, sarcastic, sometimes arrogant, but generally she nails the answers. I insisted and she brilliantly responded:

“Try to be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, go for a walk, and try to live together in peace and harmony with people of all faiths and nations.”

She's right. We will try?

HIV virus increases among young gay men in 2011

Nan Goldin's exhibition, with photos of gays and transsexuals, is censored in Rio