
OMG! MALA scoring in the BBB participant's swim trunks leaves internet users excited; look!

It's been some time since Big Brother Brasil stopped being Brazilians' favorite. Even so, turn and move, something little comes up that is 'worth' taking a look at. Well done! After getting rid of the wall last Tuesday, the 13th, brother Luiz Felipe made internet users happy on social media. It turns out that the doctor left his suitcase stained in his underwear after an apparently spicy conversation with Emily. The two have an affair inside the house. As fast as they are, especially when it comes to neca, the video of the moment was shared on Twitter, thanks to someone who has the courage to pay pay-per-view to watch BBB. The volume on the swim trunks pointing to the left is large and thick, making it impossible to go unnoticed. Watch the video of the moment below:

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